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The Mother of All Evils

Third, this topic is as vital as the other two, for as long as it is required. We can only save the world if we expose corruption. Corruption is the mother of all evils. It gives birth to most of our world problems, and in an attempt to enslave humanity, corruption continues to perpetuate the problems of control. This has to be dealt with before applying real solutions to our problems. We must #ExposeIt. Otherwise all of our actions will only act as a bandage. In fact, many solutions exist, but because solutions cause abundance, it doesn’t make money for tyrants. Thus, many of our solutions are swept underneath a rug while corrupt leaders continue to distract us with flashy propaganda. It’s as simple as thinking about this: Nikola Tesla was on his way to giving the world free electricity many years ago. Think about how much cheaper life would be if that was enacted, and how much greedy corporate money wouldn’t be made off a system like that. Get the gist? Now apply this restriction to almost every sector of humanity and you have our degenerate modern day society. This is why corruption has to be targeted and exposed so it will dissolve. In fact, no matter what is at our disposal, solutions 1-10,000 will not fully work until we drain the swamp of corruption by exposing it with our spiritual power.

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